The #1 Reason You’re Not Meeting Your Goals

Published by Carrera on

It’s that time again..

The start of a new year, and a new decade! Chances are, many of your friends, family and coworkers are asking you the same questions over and over again:

Do you have any New Year’s Resolutions?

The one question we all shy away from. “Sure,” you think, “I’ve made plenty of resolutions over the years, but I never meet a single one of them.”

Trust me — I’ve been there too. It spans everything from losing weight, to saving money, to furthering education, learning a new language, taking a trip, visiting family, actually relaxing…

The list goes on and on.

But most people never actually meet their goal. Why is that?

The #1 Reason you’re not Meeting your Goals

Here it is folks — you are not meeting your goals because you are likely not setting the right kind of goal.

By making this mistake, you are setting yourself up for failure from the very start. But you are not doomed to repeat this every time…there is a secret weapon that can help you achieve your goals this year!

Create a Goal you can Actually Achieve

Many of us in the military have probably heard of this before, but often don’t even consider using this to achieve goals we have in every area of our lives.

Whether it’s finances, physical fitness, health, family, friends, personal or professional development, or literally anything else–by using this guide, you can set a goal that is within reach, and you can actually achieve.

Make a SMART Goal

That’s right, I said it! Make a SMART goal. You know we military people love our acronyms, so here’s one for you!

Your goal should be:

  • Specific
  • Measurable
  • Attainable
  • Realistic
  • Time-sensitive

Ok, I’m Listening — Give Me an Example

I’ve caught your attention, now hear me out and try this for yourself. I’m going to give a few examples of goals I hear people aiming to achieve all the time, but often fail at. Then, right below, I’m going to list the SMART version of the goal.

Vague Goals

  1. I want to lose weight
  2. I want to stop spending so much money
  3. I want to save for an emergency fund
  4. I want to spend more time with family
  5. I want to do better at work


  1. I want to lose 20 pounds in the next 3 months
  2. I want to limit my spending on eating out to $50 per month
  3. I want to save $500 by December of 2020
  4. I want to dedicate three nights a week solely with my family
  5. I want to earn employee of the quarter before December 2020

Bottom Line

There you have it folks! This year, you can achieve your goals–you just have to be sure you set the right goal in the first place. Use these SMART goals as a template for your own goals this year, then go forth and conquer!

What are the goals you hope to achieve this year? Share them in the comments below!