I’m Going to Minot… Help!

Published by Carrera on

They tell us to aim high–and then banish us to the capsules below.
–Said any missilier. Ever.

When the Orders Drop

For anyone who has received the horrific news that they are being stationed in Minot, North Dakota–my sympathies are with you.

We have been there before, and have gone through the stages of grief (to include denial, anger, bargaining, and depression), before finally coming to accept our new home.

If you are coming to terms with your family’s next assignment, I can offer you this assurance–you will not be banished to the Great North for the rest of eternity…and it may actually turn out to be one of the best assignments in your career!

As a Minot Survivor, I can confidently say that the only people who “trash talk” Minot AFB have never actually been stationed there. In fact, Minot is one of the greatest places to raise a family!

Ok, I’ve Come to Acceptance…Now What?

Now let’s be real, I am a Southern California girl at heart. Before we got our orders to Minot, I was stationed in Central California, and didn’t even own a pair of closed-toed shoes!

For a girl who lived at the beach, facing the winter was my greatest fear.

While you have probably heard the rumors, it is true that the winters are long and cold, but they also provide an opportunity for personal development, self-improvement, and spending time with family or developing deep friendships if you allow yourself to get over those winter blues.

If you have been considering pursuing higher education–now is the time!

Ever wanted to learn a new hobby? There is no better place to learn how to cook, bake, crochet, knit, read, learn a language, play endless video games, and much more than in the Magic City!


Keep a positive outlook, regardless of the base you are going to. Minot always seems to be the pinnacle of what isolated looks like, but from someone who’s served a lot of time in these northern-tier bases, the outlook is what makes the difference, regardless of where you are stations. So bring it on, Minot, Cannon, Malmstrom, Creech, random ROTC assignment, random joint assignment…wherever you go, make a difference and explore!