5 Easy Ways to Get Connected to a New Place
Let’s face it, moving is hard!
Sometimes I feel like the military waits until just the right moment, when you finally feel connected, have friends and are living a somewhat normal life, and then it hits you–orders to a new duty station. A new assignment comes with a lot of excitement in getting a fresh start, seeing new places, and meeting new people. While new experiences can be fun, having to start from scratch is not.
Making friends can be difficult, and trying to get connected to a new place (especially small towns that I’ve been stationed at like Minot and Great Falls), can prove exceptionally challenging…but not impossible.
Get Connected!
Here are 5 easy ways to get connected to a new town, meet new friends, and make a new place feel like home:
1. Find a local church or house of worship to attend
Getting involved in a local church or other house of worship is a great way to not only fulfill your spiritual needs, but to also meet people who share similar values and worldviews. Most churches offer programs for children, adults, men’s groups, women’s groups, Bible studies, and more.
If you are unsure of where to look, start by going to the on-base chapel. Even if you don’t decide to attend the chapel services, Chaplains are a great resource to point you in the right direction to start looking for a house of worship that aligns with your religious and spiritual needs.
2. Spouses Clubs
Key spouses are awesome. These men and women run organizations through the squadron military members are assigned to, and specifically work to keep spouses connected and “in the loop” with what is going on in the squadron.
In addition to key spouses in the squadrons, most bases also have spouse programs that provide a number of events and even clubs you can get involved in. From cooking to crafts, reading to wine, there are numerous clubs offered by many bases, and are a great way to meet other spouses and families assigned to your base.
3. Gym/workout classes
What better way to meet your fitness goals while also finding community! Most on-base gyms offer a variety of workout classes to everyone who has base access.
If you’ve ever considered learning how to dance with Zumba, attending a spin class, or are brave enough to attempt cross-fit…many people are regulars at these classes. Once you’ve committed to going for even just a couple of sessions, it’s very easy to see familiar faces and make friends while working out.
4. Volunteer
There is no better way to get connected to a community than to volunteer. Even just on the base alone, there are many opportunities to give back to the community, such as volunteering for the thrift store, Airman’s attic, Cinderella’s closet, and more.
If you prefer to move off-base, there are always opportunities to volunteer at homeless shelters, animal shelters, at a local house of worship, and more.
5. Become a “regular”
If all else fails, find a place that you enjoy, and go there often. Whether it’s a coffee shop, a restaurant, a fast-food joint, or a nail salon, becoming a “regular” at any place can help you feel more at home.
When you are able to walk into a place and order your “usual,” or can enter a shop and people know who you are, you suddenly regain a sense of normalcy. So go out and find your place!
Bottom Line
Moving is hard, but the great news is–you are not alone. Every military member, military spouse, and family member understands